Karla Rice
St. Paul, Alberta, Canada
Joy Zones
Gut Health, Mental Wellness & the JOY body connection
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://karlaricewellness.com
Social Media: Instagram | Facebook
Karla is a bold and passionate holistic health practitioner & wellness enthusiast. Karla’s quest for wellness and nourishment led her to a decade-long career as a registered nurse. Karla became disenchanted with what felt like a “band-aid” approach to the traditional medical system. This led her to follow her intuition deeper on the path toward nourishment and whole-food health education. As a Joy and Wellness Warrior, Karla is passionate about helping others to own their story, take full responsibility for their wellness and teach them how to nourish themselves and feel better in their bodies. You are your own best healer and your body is your home. It’s Karla’s deepest belief that our bodies want to be seen, heard and honoured by us. Allow her to show you how…